August 29, 2009

"Wales Week"

Well! What do you make of that then. Mr Martin stands proudly alongside the Talyllyn Railways number three, Sir Haydn, renamed Sir Handel for the TR's "Duncan Day".

I was invited onto the Sodor Island Forums "Wales Week 2009" and had a terrific time with the hosts of SiF. I had a lot of fun going around the Welsh railways - best pics will be up shortly in another post this week.

The forum moderator, Ryan Hagan, was a very gracious and may I say terrific host, and it may surprise some of you to know that the start of the holiday - 23rd August - was a year to the day that I joined SiF and started hosting my series of videos there.

Ryan and the lads were great fun and it was a wonderful week. I will never forget this great welsh adventure!

Until next time - in which I promise to have some very real updates including (possibly) a small teaser trailer available for viewing...

'Till then, Ta Ta for now!

August 18, 2009

"Sample Artwork"

In between scenic work for the next episode of The British Railway Series, I have been working behind the scenes with a publisher and artist for my book. Here is a sample piece of artwork, created for me by Chris Signore of the Sodor Island Forums. Seen above, it is simply superb work, and I am in no doubt I will be returning to Chris for some more artwork towards the prototype copy of my first book.